Sharing Diamonds
Help Josh pass out RED DIAMONDS! Join the team of thousands worldwide! His goal is 1,000,000. It's not about the numbers, it's about the people, the stories, and the power of God at work in amazing ways. We would LOVE to hear about when you were given a Red Diamond or how you shared Red Diamonds! Feel free to send us photos, too!
We would love to hear about when you were given a Red Diamond or how you shared Red Diamonds!
How to buy Diamonds
- Hobby stores: Red Diamonds can be purchased at hobby stores or on Amazon
- We like 14mm Red Diamonds (about the size of a dime) or 25mm (about the size of a nickel)
- On-line: We currently buy 25mm diamonds in 1-lb. bags of 240 gems for $10.98 (and no shipping) from Amazon. Each "Red Diamond" is less than 5 cents. Heres the link:
Check out these Care Cards that briefly explain Josh's story and include website information. The Care Cards come in different formats: color, photo and simple black/white text.